Life Will Bite You Back.

Why read this? I don't know. Why write this? Not too sure. Give a care? Positivly without a doubt 100% certainly DO NOT.


Woot Woot!! 2 exams down, 3 to go! And the weekend is up around the corner, sweeeetneeeess!


First exam tomorrow! I am sooo exuasted right now, its not funny. Luckily its my ELA Exam,( one of my better subjects) so ill probably have an easier time. WISH ME LUCK!


I has only one day o'school left!! But the I must take exams...BLAAAAAH.-rolles on the floor groaning- whhhyyyyyyy.....


I just learned how to use the lawnmower today! :D Fun, i guess. Though I thought I would crash into something


I cant do nuthin...too lazy..wahh,jus wanna waste time.


I. AM. SO. TIRED. -passes out- lol. But seriously, my cats woke me at 4 am and i ha a big feild trip todat so there was alot of running around.Whe we got on the final bus home, all that was on my mind was SLEEEEEP. YOU MUST SLEEP NOOOW. I …


Does anyone actually read this other than me?

Picture I drew! :D

I hope it doesnt look too bad. ^ ^'

Adventure Time....yay

I am hopped up on adventure time since i,like, just saw some finn/flame princess, marcelenne(pretty sure i jus spelled that wrong..)/PB, and PG/Marshall Lee. Like, seriously, THIS IS TOO ADORABLE!! credit to original artist, BTW

Fic that i want to continue some time....

Gakuen Hetalia One day, like any other day, England was scolding America for stuffing his face with hamburgers and insisted that his cooking was much better than that pile of gooey meat. But since nobody agreed with him, he took out his wa…

Yay. Here's an England for ya.

Dont you love him?

Just writing something.

Does anybody even read this? I wonder.... It won't be to terribly intersting if thats how you expect it to be.

My first blog

I wonder if its helpful or hurtful that i start this 3 days before hatena shuts down...